Peg Perego Duette SW Stroller

The SW in the name stands for steering wheel. And the inventiveness of this product greets you right in the hands. The handlebar has been partially replaced by an adjustable steering wheel. All you Type A personalities and race-car wannabees take note!You see with the steering wheel, you can control the front wheels. And therefore, control the stroller with much greater ease.

Graco Duoglider Double Stroller

All four wheels have suspensions. The back wheels have brakes which can be tapped with your foot in a central location behind the right wheel. The seating arrangements are a front to back setup in that one child is directly behind the other. However, in another neat touch, the seats can be arrange to face one another. So it's a flexible system. Pretty smart idea and this is something that a lot of other strollers do not currently offer.

Graco Duoglider Double Stroller

The seats not only come with a standard canopy, but also have covers for the body and feet for the passengers. That's another nice touch for those smaller infants and toddlers to wrap up when the weather changes. It's a more compact and clean-looking alternative than a wad of blankets and wraps as well.

Another neat feature about the Peg Perego line is that it is designed and also manufactured entirely in Italy. Italians are pretty famous for their extraordinary autos, clothes, buildings and style. So you can bet that even in the world of baby strollers, this fundamental design concept will still shine through.

Transporting the kids into the car is made quite simple, as Primo Viaggio SIP car seats can attach directly to the aluminum chassis of the stroller. The Duette SW itself has side handles. You will be able to take a firm grasp of the handles and put the stroller into the car. It folds up compactly like a magazine. The chassis itself weighs just 11 kg or about 25 lbs. That's quite light for this type of stroller and compared with similar products. If you're using the car seats as the carriers on the chassis, you would simply take them off and reduce the weight you need to lift into the vehicle to pack up and go.

So you can tell this is a well-thought out product. Peg Perego is known for quality. This line will extend that tradition by all accounts and be a winning choice for a lot of busy families. I can imagine people I know and places I go where I would get quizzical looks and then have people stop and ask to drive the Peg Perego SW, because it's a new look and one that adds a little more driving fun to the stroller experience.

Peg Perego Duette SW Stroller
Graco Duoglider Double Stroller